Temperament therapy will help you gain insight into why you do what you do, creating a path to self-understanding, healing, and restoration.
About Pathfinders Pastoral Care Ministries
We are a faith-based soul care ministry that believes the Bible is the final authority for the counselor and not a particular philosophy of man. The indwelling power of God and the responsible actions of people work together for solutions.
The world we live in has been corrupted from that which God intended it to be. Everyone is subject to some degree of physical and/or emotional abuse, neglect, disappointment and hurt. Our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors are affected resulting in broken lives, damaged relationships, addictions, divorce, and broken homes. The only true and lasting answers that heal come from God. We encourage you to seek spiritual guidance and direction from your church’s pastor first. With situations the local pastor may not be well equipped to manage, a trained Pastoral Counselor should be consulted.
Pathfinders Pastoral Care Ministries, Inc. is committed to being a biblically based competent counseling service that ministers to the whole person – body, spirit, and soul. Our pastoral counselors are licensed by the National Christian Counselors Association and Certified by the International Board of Christian Care. They are trained to provide Spirit led pastoral counseling services to individuals and couples.
Pathfinders Pastoral Care Ministries believes that the Bible provides thorough guidance and instruction for faith and life. Therefore, we base our counseling on Scriptural principles. The pastoral counselors of this ministry are NOT state-licensed psychotherapists, psychologists, psychiatrists, or mental health counselors nor do they hold themselves out to be. The use of this website acknowledges the user's understanding of the pastoral nature of the services described and offered.
Our pastoral counselors are ordained ministers who hold advanced degrees in Clinical Christian counseling. To learn more about our beliefs, please read our Statement of Faith.
“I am blessed to witness the healing work God does through counseling as people are set free and step into the abundant life available through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.”

Dr. Kevin Hiscock
NCCA Licensed Clinical Pastoral Counselor; Ph.D. Clinical Christian Counseling
I am blessed to witness the healing work God does through counseling as people are set free and step into the abundant life available through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. We live in a fallen and broken world where individuals, marriages, families, and relationships are under attack. My passion is to equip people with Biblically based tools that create wisdom from which emotional and spiritual growth may occur. This process nurtures a closer relationship with God and promotes healing that lasts.
I have been a follower of Jesus for all of my adult life and spent my “first career” in medicine as a physician extender. After four decades in medicine, I thought retirement was on the horizon, but God had different plans and called me into the ministry of counseling. As I trusted Him, He opened up many doors to allow me to pursue the educational requirements for becoming a Pastoral/Christian Counselor. I began my practice and opened an office in the Albany, New York area and founded Pathfinders Pastoral Care Ministries. Because of the pandemic, the office was closed and I transitioned to counseling in a telehealth format.
I relocated the ministry to Conway, South Carolina, with the realization that telehealth is part of a greater vision God has for my practice by allowing me to meet the counseling needs of more people from different parts of the country.
I hold a Ph.D. in Clinical Christian Counseling from Colorado Theological Seminary and I am an ordained minister of pastoral care. I am licensed by the National Christian Counselors Association as a Clinical Pastoral Counselor with advanced certifications in marriage and family therapy and cognitive therapy and ethics. Also, I hold certification from the International Board of Christian Care as a Master Mental Health Coach with a specialization in Biblical Counseling. In addition, my wife Jeannette and I provide premarital counseling as certified S.Y.M.B.I.S. facilitators. My professional memberships include The National Christian Counselors Association and the American Association of Christian Counselors.
I am results-oriented in my counseling philosophy while acknowledging it is God who does the work through us and in us. He provides lasting solutions that can only come from Him.
In my downtime, I enjoy coastal living with my wife, Jeannette, and our dog, Velvett. We love to have family and friends visit and we enjoy the company of our neighbors in the beautiful community we’re blessed to live in.